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The Indian Wildlife Tour
Tour :- The Buddha’s Trail
Duration :- 09 Nights / 10 Days
Destination :- Delhi – Agra – Varanasi – Bodhgaya – Ragjir – Nalanda – Patna – Vaishali – Kushinagar – Lumbini – Sravasti – Lucknow – Delhi

Day 01 / Arrival Delhi
Arrive Delhi, meet assist at the airport and transfer to hotel. Night stay in Delhi.

Day 02 / Delhi - Agra - Varanasi
Early morning drive to Agra , Arrive Agra in approx. 4 Hours, Meet assist at railway station and visit the world famous Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world surely the most extravagant expression of love ever created. 20,000 men laboured for over 17 years to build this memorial to Shah Jahan's beloved wife. Also visit the Agra fort - the rusty and majestic red-sandstone fort of Agra stands on the banks of the river Yamuna and the construction was started by Emperor Akbar in 1566. At the Diwan-I-Am (hall of public audience), a colonnaded hall of red-sandstone with a throne alcove of inlaid marble at the back, the Emperor heard public petitions, Evening transfer to railway station to board the air conditioned sleeper train to Varanasi.

Day 03 / Varanasi
Arrive Varanasi, meet assist at the railway station & transfer to hotel. Later excursion to Sarnath - where the Buddha preached his first sermon in the Deer Park, contains the most impressive remains, as well as a modern temple. Night stay in Varanasi.

Day 04 /Varanasi - Bodhgaya
Morning drive to Bodhgaya & transfer to hotel. Bodhgaya - As the place of the Buddha's Enlightenment, Bodhgaya is the spiritual home of Buhddhists. Bodhgaya situated near the river Niranjana, is one of the holiest Buddhist pilgrimage centres since it was here that Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Later visit Mahabodhi Temple, Niranjana River, Sujata Village. Night stay in Bodhgaya.

Day 05 / Bodhgaya - Ragjir - Nalanda - Patna
After Breakfast drive to Patna enroute sightseeing of Nalanda & Rajgir. Rajgir -The picturesque Rajgir, or Rajagriha as it was known in the past (literally, the abode of kings) is surrounded by the meandering river Banganga and 5 hills. During the lifetime of the Buddha this was the capital of the powerful Magadhan kingdom, ruled by the virtuous King Bimbisara. The hills and caves surrounding Rajagriha were home to spiritual teachers, ranging from the materialism of the early Charavaka school to the metaphysics of Upanishadic philosophers. Like many others in search of truth, Prince Siddhartha, after he renounced his royal heritage came to this city to seek the path of vation. Nalanda -Nalanda was the most renowned university in ancient India. It derived its name from Na-alam-da, meaning Insatiable in Giving, one of the names by which the Lord Buddha was known. Arrive Patna and tranfer to hotel . Night stay in Patna.

Day 06 / Patna - Vaishali - Kushinagar
After breakfast drive to Kushinagar, Kushinagar is where the Buddha finally attained Mahaparmirvana. Amongst the ruins are the Mukutbandhan Stupa and a beautiful statue of the reclining Buddha enroute visiting Vaishali. Arrive Kushinagar & transfer to hotel. Night stay in Kushinagar.

Day 07 /Kushinagar- Lumbini
After breakfast visit the Mahaparinirvana Temple & Stupas , later drive to Lumbini & transfer to hotel. Lumbini - the birthplace of the Buddha, was located in 1890 after being untraced for 1,500 years. Evening sightseeing tour of Lumbini including a visit to the birth Place of Lord Buddha. Night stay in Lumbini.

Day 08 / Lumbini Sravasti
After breakfast drive to Lucknow enroute Sravasti - the capital of the ancient kingdom of Kosala, has the honour for sheltering Buddha for 24 rainy seasons in the Jetvana Gardens. The city believed to be founded by the mythological king Sravast, has age-old stupas, majestic monasteries and several temples. Buddha is said to have performed some miracles here. In Sravasti visit Saheth - Maheth & Jetvan. Night stay in Sravasti .

Day 09 / Sravasti - Lucknow - Delhi
After breakfast drive to Lucknow & transfer to railway station to board the air conditioned train for Delhi. Arrive Delhi, pickup from railway station & transfer to hotel. Night stay in Delhi.

Day 10 / Delhi - Departure
After breakfast checkout from hotel and proceed for sightseeing tour of New Delhi where ornate buildings recall the days when India was the Jewel in the crown of the British empire. Visit the 11th century Qutab Minar ,India Gate and the grand government buildings, the President’s House, Mahatama Gandhi Memorial. Also visit Laxmi Narayan temple popularly known as Birla Temple. Evening transfer to airport to board the onward flight.
